Andrey Stepurko | PTICEN DESIGN click fraud detection

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Andrey Stepurko

Task: to develop a personal brand of Andrey Viktorovich Stepurko — a motivational coach working on metaphorical cards.

The highest idea of ​​the brand has become depth — as a complete immersion in the topic, in a person, in the process, as a long-term experience and knowledge, as fullness, value, truth, as the ability to really feel.

A little bit about Andrei Viktorovich:

It was the most unusual acquaintance with the customer. After all, always this is a detailed study of activities, a large number of questions about the brief, the search for important for the client’s meanings and images. This time it was different! Andrei Viktorovich literally immersed us in his world, told the inspirational story of his life and in practice showed how metaphorical maps work. That was incredible! We learned a lot of interesting things not only about the customer, but also ourselves. After leaving the meeting, we already knew exactly what to do and what the future brand will be like.

In the arsenal, Andrei Viktorovich has a variety of metaphorical maps, with which he pulls out of a person all problems, fears and doubts. The cards themselves are unique, but they lacked a single design for the personal brand of Andrey Viktorovich.

We proposed a new vision of metaphorical maps, which will allocate Andrei Viktorovich and correspond to his personal brand.

Also, to promote the social network Instagram, we developed the design of posts.

Andrei Viktorovich is a great professional and we are sure that soon he will release his book, in which he will gather all his accumulated experience and knowledge and share with the whole world. Therefore, we immediately designed the cover of this book and even took the liberty to come up with a name.

To defense, we created a project map, which placed all the keywords of the personal brand. Also here were branded cards, business cards, elements bent with key information, an accordion with corporate colors and many other interesting techniques fell out.

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